Bishop Vernon Spinks

Diocesan Bishop’s Address

Greetings Saints in Jesus’ Name!

Welcome to the Atlantic Regional Conference Fall Session!

It is with immense joy and anticipation that I welcome you to this Fall Session. As we gather from our various churches, let us be reminded of the unity and strength we find in fellowship.

We are calling this The Momentum Conference, with the theme “Inspired, United, and Empowered,” Continuing the Movement!

Momentum is a powerful force, and it starts with the small steps that each of us take, as we serve in ministry and in our communities. Each time we come together in fellowship, in prayers, in breaking of bread and continuing in the Apostles Doctrine, we add to the wave of progress that is propelling us forward as an intricate part of the body of Christ and the PCAFI.

Momentum does not just sustain itself; it requires our continued dedication, faithfulness, and unity as believers. Let me encourage each of you to look for where God is calling you to serve in this council. Whether you are a Pastor, Elder, Minister, Evangelist, Director, Secretary, Treasurer, Deacon, Musician, Media Tech, Administrator, prayer warrior, cook, van driver, choir member, usher, greeter, or servant in any other capacity, together, we can maintain the momentum God has begun in this Atlantic Regional Conference, and see incredible things unfold in our future. We must press on with perseverance, looking unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith.

Over the next few days, we will hear from inspiring speakers, and meaningful workshop presenters and trainers, all designed to equip and empower us to return to our local assemblies with a fresh vision and renewed passion for the work of the Kingdom.

I encourage you to take full advantage of all the opportunities that the planning committees have thoughtfully planned for you. My prayer is that you experience the presence of God in a powerful way and leave this conference with Momentum and “Inspired and Empowered to Continue the Movement”!

In His Service,
Bishop Spinks